Career and job Openings

S.E.W. North Filtration A/S

Join North Filtration - Career opportunities on beautiful Lolland

Career opportunities

At North Filtration, we are always looking for skilled and committed employees who want to make a difference in a company where quality and sustainability are in focus. Our company is located on beautiful Lolland, surrounded by idyllic landscapes, fresh air and a strong local community.

We make it easy to apply with us. All applications are done via email and we ask you to send your CV and a short description of yourself to

Please note that unfortunately we are not able to offer personal or telephone interviews, but we will contact you directly if a position becomes available.

Want to know more about us as a workplace? You can download a phamphlet with detailed information about our company, working conditions and values below. We recommend that you take a look at it before sending your application.

Thank you for your interest in our company – we look forward to getting to know you!


Informational Pamphlet

Dansk - Bliv en del af North Filtration – karriaremuligheder på naturskønne Lolland

Hos North Filtration søger vi løbende dygtige og engagerede medarbejdere, der ønsker at gøre en forskel i en virksomhed, hvor kvalitet og bæredygtighed er i fokus. Vores virksomhed er placeret på smukke Lolland, omgivet af idylliske landskaber, frisk luft og et stærkt lokalsamfund.

Vi gør det nemt at ansøge hos os. Alt jobsøgning foregår via mail, og vi beder dig sende dit CV samt en kort beskrivelse af dig selv til

Bemærk, at vi desværre ikke har mulighed for at tilbyde personlige eller telefoniske samtaler, men vi kontakter dig direkte, hvis der bliver aktuelt med en ansættelse.

Ønsker du at vide mere om os som arbejdsplads? Du kan downloade et bilag med detaljeret information om vores virksomhed, arbejdsforhold og værdier herunder. Vi anbefaler, at du tager et kig på det, inden du sender din ansøgning.


Hvem er vi; S.E.W. North Filtration A/S
filter production


We are currently looking for employees in our production.

job office


We are currently not looking for employees in our office. But feel free to apply unsolicited as we are always looking for talent

Career Opportunities

Information slip
ProduktionsmedarbejderPDF Danish
SmedelærlingPDF Danish


Interested in joining our team?

We are always on the lookout for talented individuals to join us. If you wish to apply unsolicited, please send your resume and cover letter to

Good to know

1. Our production employees must have completed a personal safety when working with epoxy and isocyanates course.

2. Having a forklift licence is an advantage – but not a requirement.

Contact S.E.W. North filtration filterpatroner

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